Trading indicators for Thinkorswim desktop
Dr. Ken Long’s breakout trading indicators for Plan, Prepare, Execute, and Assess.
With Thinkorswim you can gain free access to both live and historical data, market fundamental data, scans, backtesting, and a rich library of indicators.
One time payment for the Owl Bundle on Thinkorswim (not a subscription)
Weekly user group meetings held about these indicators and adding new ones
Get access to a community of like-minded traders who are passionate about trading and committed to improving their skills.
Example of using the Owl Bundle setup by an experienced trader for planning trades.
Another example of using the Owl Bundle for trade planning.
...I also set aside my own preferred tools and adopted the well-designed Thinkorswim Owl bundle…. SG
…This is the most comprehensive and capable package that I have ever seen. The content is professionally crafted and will provide massive benefits in time and information management to any trader who understands the work of Dr. Ken Long. I have traded live with it for the past two days and I could not be more pleased with the utility and capability of this system. The Owl Bundle will allow you to screen any universe of symbols and identify the trading opportunities, create a list of likely candidates and instantly see all relevant statistics, you can then move those symbols to a watchlist and find the movers of the day in real time. The chart layouts display as much or as little information as you can visually process. The system setup videos and written material are so well done that I feel like I just took a class on how to use and setup the Thinkorswim trading platform. This is a nice bonus, but the most impressive thing of all is the customer service. AbleWay Tech provided everything that I needed to begin and responded to my communications immediately in a clear and professional manner. I could not be more impressed…. JS